Let’s Celebrate Hemp History Week!!!

This week is a very special week. The reason is not because of Comey’s hearing in congress or the fact that the Warriors could be crowned NBA champions this Friday. No, it has nothing to do with that, but everything to do with the fact that it is Hemp History Week!

The good people of San Diego kicked off the celebrations on June 4th, by displaying the various uses and benefits of hemp at the International Cannabis University.

Locally, you can celebrate  Hemp History Week by going to The Awa Kava Lounge in Wynwood. There you can enjoy live music, hear from hemp speakers and visit vendors at Hemptopia this upcoming Saturday on June 10th, 2017.

If your are going please leave a comment below, because Miami Rave would love to contact you to know about your experience at the event.

Be sure to check out the Miami Rave Twisty Glass Blunt and our hot vape accessories to celebrate Hemp Week. Subscribe to stay updated on important news and events happening globally. It’s National Hemp Week! You saw it first on Miami Rave. Remember to spark some Hemp for me.