Can CBD lower Blood pressure?

CBD (cannabidiol) is a natural cannabinoid present in the Cannabis Sativa. It does not cause any high or intoxication like THC; that’s why this cannabinoid is also named a “medical compound”. People have been using this cannabinoid for treating several diseases, and now this cannabinoid has shown appalling results in patients with high blood pressure. The number of research and experiments on CBD is limited, so we need to wait until more research comes to the screen. This is a research-based article, so stay with us to learn about CBD, research work on CBD, and its working potential for high blood pressure. 

What is High Blood Pressure?

The heart is an essential organ of a living being because it regulates blood flow in the body. When blood passes with an excessive force from the blood vessels, it causes a severe medical condition called high blood pressure. If high blood pressure remains unchecked and untreated for a long time, it can cause heart failure, stroke, metabolic syndrome, weakened blood vessels in kidneys, dementia, thickened or torn eye blood vessels, etc. These are severe medical conditions, and people have been using different medicines to treat their high blood pressure.

Side Effects of General Medication

 Usually, doctors prescribe Beta Blockers to reduce the workload of the heart. At the same time, the other high blood pressure medications are also manufactured to dilate the blood vessels and to avoid the birth of such chemicals that cause any restriction in blood flow. But the problems with the regularly prescribed medicines are the side-effects that come with them. The high-blood pressure medicines usually cause asthma symptoms, depression, insomnia, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, erectile dysfunction, cold hands or feet as side effects. To avoid all these side effects, the patients are trying to adopt a natural way of treating their blood pressure problems, and in this case, what could be a better option than CBD?

How to Take a Dose of CBD for High Blood Pressure?

There are many possible ways in which a person can in-take CBD dose. Those methods are as follows;

  • Smoking: Smoking CBD is one of the popular methods used to in-take CBD. But unfortunately, it is not legal in most states.
  • Tinctures: The consumer can place drops of CBD tincture under the tongue to experience immediate results.
  • Vaping: The consumers can vape CBD oil for the sake of CBD dose.
  • Edibles: People, who do not like smoking or vaping, can simply add CBD to their foods or drinks.

How does CBD interact with the Endocannabinoid system?

We know that the Endocannabinoid system plays a pivotal role in living beings. The Endocannabinoid System has two receptors (CB1, CB2); usually, THC binds with CB1 receptors and Delta-8 THC with the CB2 receptors. But CBD does not bind with any of the two receptors; it enhances the working potential of the endocannabinoid system and modifies the receptors to combine with the other cannabinoids. CBD does prevent the endocannabinoid system from being broken down. As the working potential of the endocannabinoid system is enhanced with CBD, the body develops strong immunity against the diseases and keeps a person healthy.



Can CBD Lower High Blood Pressure?

Yes, CBD can lower high blood pressure. Some preclinical studies show that CBD is playing an effective role in the treatment of several cardiovascular diseases. The vasodilatory effects of CBD regulate the normal flow of blood in the blood vessels without any problem, and this normalized flow leads to stable blood pressure. 

Case studies of CBD regarding High Blood Pressure

 Keeping in view the promising results of CBD in the treatment of cancer, nausea, and Parkinson’s disease, the researchers had tried another CBD experiment on nine healthy male individuals in 2017. It was recorded that CBD lowered the blood pressure of those individuals who were under stress and who were at rest.

Another case study held in 2020 on humans and rats showed that CBD has vasodilatory effects. This study shows that CBD can regulate blood flow by widening the blood vessels.

Is CBD Legal?

 According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), CBD that comes from the hemp plant with 0.3% THC is legal federally. But CBD law may vary from state to state, so you should check the law in whatever state you live in or travel to. CBD is considered a safe cannabinoid because it is 100% natural. In November 2017, WHO (World Health Organization), during the meeting of the Expert Committee on Drug Dependence (ECDD), stated that CBD is “safe, well-tolerated, and not associated with any significant adverse public health effects.” WHO further stated that CBD does not induce a physical dependency, nor does it have any potential risk for abuse.


The CBD users should take some necessary precautions while taking CBD. First of all, they should not take any other blood pressure medications along with CBD. It can lead to more problems instead of lessening them. A person should consult his doctor before making any decision for himself regarding his health. These are the precautionary steps that a person needs to follow for a healthier lifestyle because minor ignorance might cause serious consequences.