What is CBD oil exactly?
Considered a dietary supplement by its composition and its mode of consumption, CBD oil is one of the forms in which cannabidiol is offered on the market. It is undoubtedly the simplest of use and that which addresses to the greatest number. It is also the one that produces the fastest effects.
CBD oil is produced from the hemp plant (seeds and stems). It is rich in cannabidiol, a molecule that is part of the cannabinoids – the active substances in hemp from which cannabis resin is derived. The cannabinoids are very diverse, there would be several hundred. CBD and THC are the best known and the most studied.
What are the beneficial effects of CBD oil?
Because serious studies on the subject are still lacking, the answer must remain conditional: cannabidiol could have positive effects on many health problems, reducing anxiety and stress, acting as an anti-inflammatory and significantly improving the quality of sleep. It would reduce the impact of pain in people who suffer from chronic diseases (such as irritable bowel or fibromyalgia).
According to the testimonials of the consumers themselves, the use of cannabidiol products such as CBD oils tends to produce relaxing effects, which explains why these oils are increasingly used as food supplements. These beneficial effects, although not uniformly accepted, have led some pharmaceutical companies to design and launch CBD-based drugs.
Can CBD oil cure diseases?
Here again, the lack of studies on the subject precludes any concrete answer. Besides, the legislation does not allow the treatment of cannabidiol as a drug: it is, at best, a dietary supplement. What can be said is that CBD, used in addition to a healthy lifestyle (physical activities, reduced fat, etc.), can only have positive effects, if not on health, at least on well-being.
However, we must not forget that CBD oil is primarily an oil of plant origin. Like all oils, it drains its share of benefits by providing the body with the elements it needs to function normally, especially essential fatty acids.
There are six major medical benefits of CBD oil;
- ANXIETY RELIEF: CBD may help to manage anxiety as it may change the way the brain’s receptors respond to serotonin (a chemical compound linked to medical health).
- ANTI-SEIZURE: Word has been spread around before about CBD being a possible treatment for epilepsy. Research is still in its early stages. Researchers are now testing for the safety of epilepsy patients.
- NEUROPROTECTIVE: Researchers are checking out a receptor of the brain known as CB1 to learn about the ways CBD can help patients with neurodegenerative disorders. Specifically, Alzheimer’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, and Stroke.
- PAIN RELIEF: Research has shown that CBD oil’s effect on the brain’s receptors can help us manage pain. Studies have revealed that taking cannabis after chemotherapy can help reduce pain,
- ANTI-ACNE: A study of the human body published in the Journal of Clinic investigation showed that the oil prevented activity in the sebaceous glands. The sebaceous gland hydrates our skin by secreting an oily substance called sebum and too much sebum can cause acne.
- CANCER TREATMENT: Studies have investigated the role of the CBD oil in fighting against the growth of the cancer cell, but research is in its early days. The National Cancer Institute Source(NCI), however, said that CBD oil brings about the alleviation of cancer symptoms and the side effects of cancer treatments. Although, the NCI still doesn’t fully endorse or recommend any form of cannabis as a cancer treatment. What is promising for cancer treatment is its ability to moderate inflammation and modify how the cells reproduce. It can reduce the reproduction of some types of tumor cells.

Does CBD oil have side effects?
To date, no one has reported notable. In high doses, CBD oil can limit saliva production and create a sensation of dry mouth, but that’s it. It must be kept in mind, however, that each organism is different and likely to react in its way to the consumption of cannabidiol. This is particularly the case for people who are more sensitive than the average to the CBD molecule, and who may experience increased sleepiness. It is, therefore, a question of remaining vigilant, even if these rare side effects do not represent any danger as such.
If you are currently on medication and you want to take CBD oil, or any other form of cannabidiol, for the duration of this treatment, it is recommended that you talk to your doctor first. Although there is no risk to health, CBD can modify (even in a small way) the composition or the effectiveness of a drug, and thus have an impact on the treatment as a whole.
Is the consumption of CBD oil risky?
CBD oil comes from a plant, it is a 100% natural product whose toxicity is not proven. It can be said that cannabidiol is devoid of side effects and that its consumption, even daily, is safe. The only toxic substances that could be found in cannabidiol-based products would come from the mode of production (pesticides and other chemicals), just like for fruits and vegetables. It is therefore recommended to choose a CBD oil produced in good conditions, without potentially toxic chemicals. And to favor end products sold by professionals who carefully select their goods and only provide them to the most virtuous manufacturers.
Does CBD oil have psychoactive effects?
No. The psychoactive effects are reserved for another
cannabinoid, probably the best known: THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). It is
this molecule that acts on the nervous system and modifies perceptions and
behavior. THC should not be confused with CBD, which has beneficial
effects and can even reduce those of cannabinol. In sum, CBD oil does not
“hover”, but it helps to relieve tension and stress.
Is there THC in CBD oil?
Products based on cannabidiol are limited in THC. This is one of the prerequisites for their marketing: they must have a THC concentration of less than 0.2%. So there is a minimum of THC in the CBD oil (or not at all, depending on the products). Not enough to feel psychoactive effects!
How is CBD oil extracted?
CBD is a cannabinoid found in the hemp plant. To be transformed into oil and offered for consumption, it must first be extracted from the plant. The extraction methods differ depending on the producers of cannabidiol. The most common is CO2 extraction, which guarantees a CBD with a high level of purity – but it remains complex and, for this reason, expensive. Solvent extraction is much more accessible, favored by many manufacturers, but it is also the one that generates the greatest risk throughout the process. This method also leaves traces in the finished product.
Finally, oil extraction involves the use of vegetable, mineral or animal oils to extract CBD from the hemp plant – with the advantage of not relying on chemicals that can leave residues in the product. finished.
Before buying your CBD oils, ask about the extraction method used by producers. The CO2 extraction method is the cleanest and most efficient, as well as the one that offers the best final quality. Oil extraction is just as clean, though less efficient. Finally, since the solvent extraction method is the most hazardous, it is recommended not to buy products offered by manufacturers who have made this choice.
How is CBD oil made?
CBD oil is not an oil composed of 100% cannabidiol. It is made by mixing CBD extracts (usually in the form of crystals) with other oils, often of vegetable origin (olive oil, sunflower oil, walnut oil …). To refine the taste of CBD oils, manufacturers add terpenes, hydrocarbons with aromatic properties, especially from conifers. Terpenes are found in many cannabidiol products, not just in oils. Sometimes they help to reinforce the initial effect of this active substance.
How is CBD oil consumed?
CBD oil can be consumed in four known ways;
- By Ingestion. This method has the advantage of neutralizing or eliminating the particular flavor of the product (rather bitter) that does not please everyone. Applying a few drops of cannabidiol oil to food or mixing them with a liquid, the taste drops in intensity or even disappears completely. It is also possible to use it for cooking, mixing a few drops with conventional oil. However, this method lengthens the time in which the beneficial effects of cannabidiol are felt due to the delay of digestion.
- By sublingual route. This is the most commonly recommended method for absorbing cannabidiol in this form. CBD oils are presented in the form of small flasks equipped with a dropper, which allows us to precisely measure the amount of product ingested. Just drop the desired amount of drops under the tongue. The advantage of this mode of consumption is its speed of action: being absorbed by the mucous membranes, CBD oil produces its effects very quickly, about 10 minutes after ingestion. The disadvantage is the taste: the very pronounced vegetable aroma of this oil, despite the presence of terpenes, can be embarrassing for some consumers.
- By Inhalation. CBD oil can be vaporized or added to the oil in tobacco or e-cigarettes and smoking them or simply inhaling the oil vapor. With this method, the CBD oil rapidly enters the bloodstream through the lungs, thus, avoiding the digestive system stage in ingestion. Although this method is quite a popular way of taking CBD now, there have been reports of several mysterious lung injuries connected to inhaling these products and this resulted into the Centre for Disease Contro(CDC)l and Prevention to advise people to abstain from the vaping method of taking any CBD oil or any kind of products pending the time they investigate. The report of 800 cases of patients of lung disease, by the end of September 2019 according to the CDC, showed that about 65% of the patients were those who used the vaping method to consume products containing THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). And like CBD, THC is also a cannabinoid and they are seldom found together in vaping products.
- Infusion into Topical Products. Skin products are infused with CBD and applied to the skin directly, to be relieved from pain and reduce inflammation, on the area of skin needed. These topical products include personal lubricants, shampoos, bath salts, lip balms, creams, patches and, salves.
CBD oil is also available in the form of soft capsules to be swallowed with a little water, and more and more, in the form of ointments or balms for cutaneous application.
Caution: CBD oils are not intended for use in an electronic cigarette. Only e-liquids are, being made specifically to be inhaled via this technology (by mixing cannabidiol with other ingredients, such as propylene glycol). You should never try to vapourize CBD in oily form, without prior processing.
Whatever the mode of consumption chosen, it is important to always respect the dosage prescribed and not to exceed the dose that was recommended by the seller during your acquisition.
What is the ideal dosage?
As for the dosage of CBD oil, know that there is no ideal quantity: one or two drops, or more; one or more times a day; everything depends on your needs. The dosage is always personal: it corresponds to the needs of each consumer. Many factors can affect the effect of cannabidiol, and the time frame for this effect, including the person’s weight, tolerance, and symptoms. Also, not all oils are the same: some have a higher concentration of CBD than others, and this is also a factor to consider when determining the correct dosage.
Here are some tips to properly consume your CBD oil:
- Always start with small doses. Nothing prevents you from increasing the number of shots and/or the quantity in a progressive way, according to the effect produced and your level of tolerance. Start with a few drops, 3 times a day. Review regularly whether the dosage is right for you or if you need to change it.
- Consider your weight to evaluate the correct dosage. The default is to take 0.5 mg of CBD per kilo to achieve a noticeable effect, for example, 35 mg per day for a person weighing 70 kilograms. This dosage should ideally be divided into three doses, morning, noon and evening, approximately 11 mg per dose. It only remains for you to convert this value into several drops, knowing that there is 5 mg of CBD in a drop of oil whose concentration of CBD is 10%, therefore 1 mg per drop for a concentration of 2%, and 10 mg for a concentration of 20%.
- Note that the beneficial effects of CBD are not stronger because you consume more oil. The receptors on which the cannabidiol is fixed are like vases that fill up and eventually saturate; once full, the substance turns to other less efficient receptors. It is not the quantity that counts, but the right balance in the dosage. For the rest, it is not recommended to exceed 200 mg per day.
Here is the list of the most used oils:
- CBD oil 5%
- CBD oil 10%
- CBD oil 15%
- CBD oil 20%
- CBD oil 25%
- CBD oil 30%
- CBD oil 35%
- CBD oil 40%
The more you are used to the product and the more regular your consumption, the more you will have to increase the percentage of CBD in your oil.

How to store CBD oil?
The ideal is to keep your bottle of CBD oil in a cool and protected from light: in the fridge, in the basement or the laundry room. In these conditions, you can consume it for a year.
Exposure to air, light, and heat play a role in the breakdown of natural materials like cannabinoids of which CBD is a type. So, it is of great importance to store CBD oil in ways that protect it from these conditions. A basic fridge meets all the requirements required for the storage of CBD oil, when a fridge is closed it is air-tight, dark and cool inside, and this why it is the most preferred method. However, if you are on the go, your traveling bag can be a good place to keep it. During delivery or transportation, CBD oil is sent out in a discreet and air-tight bottle, hence, making it an easy and safe storage that is dark, cool while preventing air exposure. The bottle’s lid features a built-in dropper for straightforward use. Despite your storage choices as long as you prevent them from light, heat, air exposure, and of course, out of reach of children.
How is CBD different from Marijuana?
CBD means cannabidiol, it is the second most found active ingredient from the cannabis plant. CBD being a very significant component of medical marijuana, it is derived from the hemp plant. The cannabis plant is of two variations; the hemp and the marijuana. You can think of them as cousins. CBD is one of the hundreds of components of the cannabis plant and by itself, it doesn’t cause a “high”. Moreover, according to WHO, the CBD is not known to have any abuse or dependence potential. To date, there has been no report or case of a public health-related issue connected with the consumption of pure CBD.
So, anytime you see a bottle of CBD oil lying around, in a store or your friend’s fridge, you know what it really is.