CBD 101

Valentine’s Day Cannabis-Infused desserts that will make your partner feel special.

Valentine’s Day is around the corner. You might already be planning on different ways to make your partner feel special. Although love cannot be expressed in one Day, Valentine’s Day gives you an opportunity to show how much love you have for your partner. Every couple is different, and they have various plans to spend this Day together. Many are planning an outing, maybe a short trip to Miami. Many might be preparing for a celebration at an expensive restaurant, and they might be busy making reservations by now. 

Many might be planning to buy expensive gifts for their partners. But some make it very special by planning a dinner, where they can cook for each other. Everyone is planning to make this Day special, but the plan of cooking together to make something special for your partner has a different charm. You have your love to pour into your cooking and enjoy this time with your partner in the most special place with each other. 

If you are looking to make some desserts for your love, then we are here to help you with some of the recipes for this Day-

1. Dulce de Leche Cheesecake– 

This is a recipe that brings Mexico and the United States together. Just like the enchiladas and tortillas, cheesecakes are loved in both these places. To make this, you need to have a pan ready. Start your oven and preheat them up to 350 degrees centigrade. You need to wrap the pan from the outside with aluminum foils. Once you are done with wrapping, you can move ahead with applying butter to the pan. You can always use hemp butter instead of any other normal butter to Infuse the Cannabis content in your desert. You need to mix the Graham crackers with sugar such that they become crumbly. Once they are ready, you can evenly spread it in the pan and add melted hemp butter mixture to keep it moistened. Keep the pan in the preheated oven and bake for about 10 to 15 minutes. In another Pan, take cream cheese and beat it until it is fluffy; add sugar and eggs to this cream. You need to beat it again after adding sour cream to the mixture until it is smooth. Spread this cheesecake filling onto the baked crust. The Dulce de Leche filling should be drizzled over the top. Now set a springform pan. You have to add hot water to this pan and set the cheesecake in the baking pan—Bake for about an hour and a half. Let the cheesecake cool for some time. Keep it aside for about 5 hours; you should cover it with plastic wrap until it cools down completely. Once it is done, add some sea salt for garnishing. And then you can enjoy it with your partner. 

2. Chocolate mousse

Chocolate mousse

If you are looking to make something that looks delicious and tastes good at the same time, then this is the recipe for you. It does not involve a lot of hard work to make  Chocolate Mousse. You just need very basic cooking skills if you want to make this dessert for your loved one. To start with, you have to add some chocolates to a bowl and simmer the bowl over hot water until the chocolate is melted. Please remove it from the heat and let it sit aside. Take some eggs and little water and start whisking it until foam is formed. Cook it while whisking until it thickens up. Please remove it from the heat and start straining the juice while discarding the solid parts. With this sauce, fold the chocolate that was Melted and set aside earlier with the help of an electric mixer. At this point, you can add hemp butter to the mixture. Just remember that you don’t add a lot of it. A spoon also added to the cream will work. Add sugar to this mixture and beat it until it mixes thoroughly. Now take egg whites in a bowl and start whipping them with the help of an electric mixer. Beat the egg whites for a minute or two and stop when you start seeing some soft peaks on them. Beat it again after adding sugar and fold it in the chocolate cream mixture. Now add the mousse to different bowls and set it to refrigerate. You can remove it from the refrigerator and serve it cold whenever you are up for it. 

Final thoughts!

The best gift you can give your partner on Valentine’s Day is your time. The time that you and your partner spend together Is the time you will always cherish. To make this time joyous and memorable, you can opt for certain activities that you can do together. Doing anything together builds up a sense of team and strengthens your Bond. So if you two love each other, you should try to do something fun together. You can try cooking for each other together. You will have fun doing this, and the memories will stay with you forever.