CBD 101

Easy outdoor dining and picnic recipes with Cannabis

Often holidays call for some gatherings and fun times with friends and family. People make plans to spend time with each other and enjoy the company of loved ones. Planning a picnic or an outing with friends has been a common tradition people have been following for ages. Everyone loves going for picnics.

You would agree that the snacks and food are the most special thing about a picnic. Food is the part that remains in your memories. Picnic foods are easy to make and non-messy to eat but have a huge impact on your taste buds. These tasty treats can be made easily at home at any time. So if you are a fan of these treats and want to try your hand at making these treats with a cannabis twist at your home, then here are some examples that can help you.

The classic sandwich- 

The grilled chicken sandwiches are the best classic sandwich. You can make chicken salad with all of the flavors that you like to combine. You can have a mix of any two or three flavors that you find tasty. You can add spinach, celery, and all sorts of healthy alternatives if you like. Or you can make them super delicious by adding some super tasty rich in calorie filling. You can add the filling to the bread and brush some cannabis oil or hemp butter to the bread. You can also add Cannabis Herbs to the salad like a seasoning. 

Tuna avocado wraps – 

It is another classic picnic treat; people love eating when they are on an outing. These are again very easy to prepare anytime, anywhere you like. You can also bring in some changes if you like. The flavors can be altered to suit your taste. But the basic preparation includes brimming some fresh avocados and adding Kosher salt and lime juice to the avocado. You can add different seasonings to this paste. Add some Cannabis dried herbs to bring in some taste and effects of Cannabis to the wraps. You can then toss some scallions with Tuna fish. Spread the avocado paste all over the wrap. Now add the Tuna fish and scallion mixture to the spread. Start rolling your wrap. Make sure it is a bit tight, so everything stays together. Enjoy the taste and the after-effects of this wrap with your friends.

Chocolate cookie sandwiches- 


This might remind you of your childhood experiments with your food. Chocolate chip CBD cookies are everybody’s favorite, and who knows, this might turn out to be the best treat on your picnic, given the fact that they are very easy to make if you already have packaged cookies with you at home. You can also go for Cannabis-based cookies to take it to the next level. You can also make the cookies at home. They are also not very hard to bake. You need to prepare the dough properly. Add some chocolate chips and hemp butter to the dough and set it to bake. If not, you can take the packaged cookies, add some chocolate syrup on one side of the cookie, and cover it with another cookie. You will find an amazing combination of two chocolate cookie sandwiches with chocolate syrup inside. You can always swap this chocolate syrup for Honey or any other syrup of your choice. But the traditional chocolate syrup with cookies makes them the best. You can pack this in a box for your picnic as a mid-time snack that everyone would love. Or you can just make them at home when you have your friends over and have a delicious treat to enjoy together. 

Chickpea hummus roasted butternut wraps- 

This is a combination of Spicy and Savory rap that can give your taste buds a good time at the picnic. These are not very common to carry to a picnic, but people often make them for a tasty dinner when you want to spend time with your friends and family. They are usually preferred for gatherings and get together as they get ready quickly, and you’ll have a tasty dinner prepared for your guests without spending much of your time in the kitchen. You can always add Cannabis oil to the chickpeas to give the wrap a twist. Or you can also use hemp butter if you want. The base for these traps will be butternuts. You can create a creamy sauce with Hamas by adding some lemon juice and garlic to it. The chickpeas will be spiced and baked, so the spice factor is added through the chickpeas. It is optional but adding arugula will bring in a lot of taste and flavor to your wrap. Its combination with butternut is amazing. You can add Cannabis herb or oil to the hummus for the cannabis twist you are expecting.

Final meals!

In the end, it is good to say that there are not one but many options of quick and easy-to-make recipes that you can take with you for dining outdoors. It should always be what you like, and what your friends would enjoy. Only when you have made something that you and your friends are going to enjoy eating will the purpose of discussing these picnic recipes be fulfilled. The above-given recipes are very easy to make and are mostly liked by everyone in general. The cannabis twist added to each of these recipes takes them one level above. So if you like any of these recipes, do try them on your next dining experience with your friends.